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Notebooks - دفاتري

Notebooks - دفاتري

The sketches are my interpretation of what would have been a collaboration dinner with chef Greg Maalouf RIP. We agreed on a childhood food memory theme, first draft of written menus were exchanged. The next step we decided on was illustrating the dishes. To honor and process grief, I decided to go ahead and interpret the dishes from content enhanced by my own imagination.

A series of photos displaying miniature Arab food along with some folklore about each dish. The book graphics and layout were done by Dina Fawakhiri. Project done in 2016.

An illustrated recipe instruction manual I drew when I worked at Akelare in 2010-2011. Cameras were not allowed and my cellphone was just a cellphone at time with no camera 📷🚫.

Karmah's Recipe Archive - وصفاتي

Karmah's Recipe Archive - وصفاتي

Fermentation - تخمير

Fermentation - تخمير